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Bromeliads and
Exotic Plants

1167 Arboles
Arroyo Grande
CA 93420

fax: (805) 781-0554

Aechmea Variety. Aechmea are the most widely cultivated genus of bromeliads. The name is derived from Greek (aechme=spear tip). The ever-popular Aechmea fasciata was introduced to Europe in 1826. Many factors lead to their popularity, including the attractive foliage, lating inflorescence, adaptability to terrestrial culture, their overall hardiness and their frequency in producing pups. The bloom is high on its stalk with pink bracts with blue flowers. Often they will produce small, red berry-like fruit. The striking foliage has contrasting colors on the underside. Ae. fasciata is found in the mountain forests of southern Brazil from about 1800 to 4000 ft elevation. While moderately cold hearty Aechmea also require fairly bright (although indirect) light and moderate water.

Aechmea fasciata
A. fasciata
A. fasciata
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  • TEMP: Very cold sensitive
  • LIGHT: Bright, indirect light
  • WATER: Reduce water and feeding in winter (cold) months
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