h e r m ' s
t h i n k
t a n k
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unauthorized web turds

your rights Well, you finally made it. Take a moment and congratulate yourself! Please check back from time to time. I will be using this area to test my work, inform the public (...that's you!...) and publish my assertions. I look forward to your comments.

Give a big round of applause to studio G and Electropolis. We hope you'll let them know you appreciate what you see.

  • herm's cats

  • ministry of propaganda

  • test web & guestbook

  • cool places i like

  • authorized web turds
    they sent me a t-shirt
    Built With BBEdit
    it doesn't suck

    walk w/ the bean

    live long & die out

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    Last Revised - 2/20/10
    ©1996-2000 studio G