herm's cats t h e
c a s t :

p e t e y

my cats choose good

PETEY - This is the cat that started the whole thing! Petey found us at our first apartment (where we weren't supposed to have cats) and poured on his ever-present charm. Well, he know suckers when he found them. We were feeding (and eventually trapped) his brother and father plus a few other cats living in the creek that passed by the apartment complex. The manager had threatened extermination and we acted. He is mostly outside these days and comes in only in the worst of weather. By appearance you would think he is all white fur and stomach. petey


He is by far the most human friendly (although Blackie is close but not nearly as much of a mooch) cat. He has many food bowls in the 'hood and makes punctual rounds. I've seen him wait in bushes by the sidewalk for a target. He strolls from the bushes right in the path of the unsuspecting human (usually a woman) in full fluff with his tail plumed to the max. This will always get him a few scratches on the head and lots of pets. Then, if they seems like they might produce a meal, are followed down the street to their house. It's planned like surgery.

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Last Revised - 2/6/98
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